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Unique Basic

  • Comprehensive analysis of your Instagram account, including profile, content, and engagement metrics

  • Detailed recommendations for optimizing your profile and content strategy to better reach and engage with your target audience

  • Assessment of your current audience demographics and suggestions for targeting new audiences

  • Analysis of your Instagram ads performance and recommendations for improving ROI

  • Monthly reporting on account performance and engagement metrics, with insights on how to optimize for better results

  • Budget optimization and management to maximize ROI, including bid and budget adjustments as needed

  • A/B testing of ad creatives and copy to identify which messaging and imagery resonates best with your target audience

Unique Advanced

  • All services from the Unique Basic Package

  • Advanced audience targeting and segmentation analysis to identify opportunities for targeting specific demographics, behaviors, and interests

  • In-depth analysis of your competitors' Instagram accounts and strategies to identify opportunities for differentiation and stand out in a crowded market

  • Customized ad creative design and copywriting tailored to your brand's voice and message, with multiple variations to test which perform best

  • Advanced campaign optimization and management, with ongoing adjustments to bids, budgets, and targeting to improve performance

  • Retargeting and lookalike audience creation to reach people who have previously interacted with your brand or who share similar characteristics with your existing customers

Unique Premium

  • All services from the Unique Advanced Package

  • VIP access to an expert consultant who will provide personalized recommendations and guidance for your account strategy, including weekly check-ins to review performance and offer insights on how to optimize for better results

  • Customized landing page design and development to ensure a seamless user experience from ad click to conversion, with ongoing optimization to improve conversion rates

  • Influencer outreach and partnership development to increase your brand's visibility and credibility, including sourcing and collaborating with relevant social media influencers to promote your brand and drive sales

  • In-depth reporting and analysis of account performance, with customized insights and recommendations for improving your account strategy based on trends and data analysis

Unique Basic

  • Consultation with your marketing team to understand your brand, target audience, and campaign goals

  • 1-2 weekly posts with custom graphics or stock images tailored to your brand's aesthetic and messaging

  • Basic caption copywriting to engage your audience and drive engagement

  • Hashtag research to increase visibility and reach on Instagram

  • Monthly reporting on content performance and engagement metrics

Unique Advanced

  • All services from the Unique Basic package

  • 3-4 weekly posts with custom graphics or stock images tailored to your brand's aesthetic and messaging

  • Advanced caption copywriting to engage your audience and drive conversions

  • Customized hashtag strategy to increase visibility and reach on Instagram, including niche and long-tail hashtags

  • A/B testing of content and copy to identify which perform best with your target audience

  • Monthly competitor analysis and benchmarking to identify opportunities for differentiation and stand out in a crowded market

Unique Premium

  • All services from the Unique Advanced package

  • Daily posts with custom graphics or stock images tailored to your brand's aesthetic and messaging

  • VIP access to an expert consultant who will provide personalized recommendations and guidance for your content strategy, including weekly check-ins to review performance and offer insights on how to optimize for better results

  • Customized social media calendar to ensure a consistent and cohesive brand voice across all platforms

  • Influencer outreach and partnership development to increase your brand's visibility and credibility, including sourcing and collaborating with relevant social media influencers to promote your brand and drive sales

  • In-depth reporting and analysis of content performance, with customized insights and recommendations for improving content strategy based on trends and data analysis.

Unique Basic

  • Initial consultation with your marketing team to understand your brand, target audience, and campaign goals

  • Basic audience targeting using demographic and interest-based data

  • Ad campaign set up and management to ensure your ads are shown to the right people at the right time

  • Monthly reporting on campaign performance and engagement metrics, with insights on how to optimize for better results

  • Budget optimization and management to maximize ROI, including bid and budget adjustments as needed

  • A/B testing of ad creatives and copy to identify which messaging and imagery resonates best with your target audience

  • Ad performance monitoring and optimization to ensure your campaign is delivering optimal results

Unique Advanced

  • All services from the Unique Basic package

  • Advanced audience targeting and segmentation using Instagram's powerful data analytics tools, allowing for highly specific targeting of demographics, behaviors, and interests

  • Custom ad creative design and copywriting tailored to your brand's voice and message, with multiple variations to test which perform best

  • Advanced campaign optimization and management, with ongoing adjustments to bids, budgets, and targeting to improve performance

  • Retargeting and lookalike audience creation to reach people who have previously interacted with your brand or who share similar characteristics with your existing customers

  • Competitor analysis and benchmarking to identify opportunities for differentiation and stand out in a crowded market

  • Influencer outreach and partnership development to increase your brand's visibility and credibility, including sourcing and collaborating with relevant social media influencers to promote your brand and drive sales

Unique Advanced

  • All services from the Unique Advanced package

  • VIP access to an expert consultant who will provide personalized recommendations and guidance for your campaign strategy, including weekly check-ins to review performance and offer insights on how to optimize for better results

  • Customized landing page design and development to ensure a seamless user experience from ad click to conversion, with ongoing optimization to improve conversion rates

  • Advanced reporting and analysis of campaign performance, with customized insights and recommendations for improving campaign strategy based on trends and data analysis

  • Enhanced ad tracking and monitoring using advanced tools to provide you with more detailed information about your ad performance and campaign ROI

  • Exclusive access to new and emerging Instagram advertising features and opportunities, to stay ahead of your competitors and drive better results for your brand


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